What are certifications mean?

Our air purifiers are rigorously tested and certified to meet the highest safety and performance standards, ensuring you get a reliable, effective product:

ECARF (European Allergy Research Center Foundation): Certified effective in reducing allergens, making it ideal for allergy sufferers by improving indoor air quality.

ENERGY STAR: Known for its energy efficiency, it helps you save money on your energy bill while maintaining superior air purification.

CA65 (California Proposition 65): Meets California's strict standards that limit exposure to harmful chemicals, ensuring safe use in the home.

ETL (Electrical Test Laboratory): Complies with North American electrical product safety standards to ensure reliable and safe operation.

FCC (Federal Communications Commission): Certified to meet standards that control electromagnetic interference, ensuring that the air purifier does not interfere with other electronic devices when operating.

CARB (California Air Resources Board): Complies with California indoor air quality regulations to ensure low emissions and safe indoor air.

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency): Comply with the standards set by EPA for air purifiers to ensure that they can effectively reduce indoor air pollution.

Each certification demonstrates our commitment to providing you with products that not only perform exceptionally but also meet the highest safety and environmental standards. With these certifications, you can trust our air purifiers to provide clean, healthy air for you and your family.

JF100 Certifications

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JF180 Certifications

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JF260/JF260s Certifications

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JF888 Certifications

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JF999 Certifications

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JF1500 Certifications

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